Tuesday 16 September 2014

5 Easy Tips on How to Be a Comedian

Many top comedians perform well on stage but they are not so great in their private life. If you read the biographies of most comedians, one pattern stands out is that most comedians are loners, who would want to be a comedian? Putting Forward your best, making the audience laugh, just you and a micro phone, you'd think would be great but there is more than that if you want to be a good comedian. Just follow these tips to become a successful comedian:

1. There is nothing worse for ego than getting jeered or hissed at, half the battle is won when you make yourself prepared.

2. When you begin, start out small. Don't perform in front of a crowd that have paid some fee, instead perform in front of a crowd that have paid zero.

3. Visit as much open comedy clubs as possible, if you can do it here, you're on your way, if you can't then you have some work to do.

4. During your performance allow your routine to be as natural as possible so you can get a positive reaction from the audience. The last thing you want is to get hissed and jeered. It does happen, when it does, come back with a great punch line that will shut the critics up and gets a laugh from the audience, and who knows the critic may even laugh.

5. Once on stage, be yourself. Don't try act like Bill Crosby or Chris Rock. As nobody can imagine Bill Crosby doing a routine full of colorful metaphors of fowl word. If it doesn't suits your personality then don't do it, you need your audience with your 100% of the way.

These are some vital tips on how to be a comedian so that you can take your career to the next level. If you having trouble coming with great comedy routines, look for a comedy coach to guide you and hone up your skills.